Sunday 23 September 2012

Tri6 Week2

For week 2 more organizing was requried and task allocation was put in place.

In terms of environment, a plan was set out for jimmy in terms of what is due each week. Next week (wk3) presentation a fully rendered of shot 1 will be delivered minus animation (jimmy will put in a place holder idle animation for the mean time for presentation purposes).

hai and myself have divided the animation up in terms of shots and will begin to block out the entire animation. by wk3 presentation a full 3d animatic will be completed. beyond that we each work on each shot to get to blocking plus and maybe even spline.

time sheets




Monday 17 September 2012

Trimester 6 Week 1

Tri 6 Week 1 (Week 13 total)

Hey every one back form back and ready to get back into it. We will continue posting up updates on our progress throughout this trimester along with weekly timesheets.

Our current situation see's 2 rigs complete with around 10 weeks of animation ahead of Hai and myself. While Jimmy have a ton of environment to model and light.

Week 1 work:
All three members have gained internship which has caused some problems in addition workload and time to meet. We are currently working on a solution to the meeting problem while the addition workload we will  just have to manage with re scheduling

Hai and Jimmy's share a full time position for internship meaning they 1 week on 1 week off which causes a problem as we cant all meet on Friday for Major Project. We are currently working on them getting friday off. We have online skype meetings during the week for task allocation and work review.

Timesheets will be filled out weekly online in the form of google docs spreadsheet. These will list hours worked and tasks completed and will be submitted to this blog(week 1 attached) as per alex request.

revised storyboard
After consulting with Alex our revised storyboard has been agreed upon and we will aim to get this complete, if we finish earlier we will try to complete the original storyboard but not at the expense of quality work.

a quick animatic based on the story board has been created in flash for timing. Once blocking out has been approved a 3D animatic will be produced throughout the animation pipeline. As work is completed and approved it will be added to to the animatic to get a feeling for the whole animation with the section included.

animation plan
after consulting with David an animation plan has been developed for Hai and myself. This is to guarantee consistency throughout the animation with 2 animators, I will take the role of animation Director. The plan involves breakdown of shots, divide shots, thumbnail(drawings) key poses for shots, blocking with review and approve, blocking plus with review and approve, spline review and approve, polish. 

We have plenty to do in the project as it stands plus the additional work with internship but we feel we are up to the challenge and want to improve on tri5 and finish our course with something of professional standard.

Week 1 Timesheet


